Volumetric Lighting is the effect of beams of light shining through an environment and the result of light reflecting within an atmosphere such as dust, moisture, water, etc.Notice the difference between the default setting and then maxing out the intensity. Enscape™ is a real-time rendering plug-in for Revit Enscape is a game-engine style rendering engine that has plugins available for Revit, SketchUp, Rhino, and ArchiCAD. Here is a nighttime image in Enscape to highlight the effect of the electric light source in Rhino: All the Rhino materials are automatically used in Enscape. Exterior lighting matters when there are exterior windows or skylights within the context of the scene. It plugs directly into your modeling software, giving you an integrated visualization and design workflow. Enscape™ is a real-time rendering plug-in for Revit Enscape lights rhino Enscape is a plugin for architectural design software like Autodesk® Revit®, SketchUp or Rhino.